WelcomeCome in. Poke around. Look and listen to a unique catalog of music.As singer/songwriter and producer, I love and appreciate virtually allgenres of music. Staying true to my eclectic roots and tastes are mycompositions.Kaleido is done! I said I’d be releasing Kaleido soon. That was overthree years ago. Well, sometimes life’s circumstances get in the wayof the things we want most to accomplish, but finally, the time hasarrived.Kaleido is a fully mastered collection of eclectic music, rangingfrom country and folk, to jazz and orchestrated pieces. Listen for freeby clicking on any of the albums below, You’ll also have the option todownload individual songs or the entire album. Watch some fun,Video Slideshows that take you on visual journeys, bringing many ofthe songs on the “Kaleido” and “I’ve NeverBeen Here Before”albums to life.My YouTube Channel
WelcomeCome in. Poke around. Look and listen to aunique catalog of music. As a singer/songwriterand producer, I love and appreciate virtuallyall genres of music. Staying true to my eclecticroots and tastes are my compositions.Kaleido is done! I said I’d be releasing Kaleidosoon. That was over three years ago. Well, sometimes life’s circumstances get in the way ofthe things we want most to accomplish, but finally, the time has arrived.Kaleido is a fully mastered collection of eclectic music, ranging from country and folk, to jazz and orchestrated pieces. Listen for free by clicking on any of the albums below, You’ll also have the option to download individual songs or the entire album. Watch some fun, Video Slideshows that take you on visual journeys, bringing many of the songs on the “Kaleido”and “I’ve Never Been Here Before” albums to life. My YouTube Channel.